From old to new.

Schmidttakahashi is one of the most sought after designer labels in Berlin.  It was named after the creative minds behind the brand: Eugenie Schmidt and Mariko Takahashi. What’s so special about them, you ask. Well, they succeeded in impressing the whole fashion world with their unique approach to how to deal with old clothes. Their collections are mostly made out of second-hand-pieces. The donated clothing items come straight out of containers which they positioned in different hoods in Berlin. In that way every single fashion fan out there can be part of Schmidttakahashi movement.

The items are digitalized and filed. You also get a sneaky glimpse into the making of the collections on their website to really understand the process behind it all. You may think that sustainability was the main force behind the idea (though it is an important factor). But the curiosity of how to overhaul old clothes was their true motivation.

In Schmidttakahashi’s Spring/Summer collection 2014 the two creative minds predominately work with blue and white hues. They work with jeans material and a patchwork technique to complete the looks. I personally really like the two-piece made out of denim because the pants and blazer are made entirely out of jeans-patchwork, which makes it appear elegant as well as sporty.

The Fall and Winter collection 13/14 is the complete opposite of the latest collection. There they worked with earthy tones but still used the patchwork technique. I especially liked the floral accents in combination with light blouses from the women’s department.

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