Comic book movies had long been considered incarnations of bad taste. Do you remember George Clooney as Batman? Well, George Clooney probably doesn’t want to remember George Clooney as Batman. Anyone who mentions this role gets his money for the movie ticket from Clooney.

Also, Ben Affleck as Daredevil and Jennifer Garner as Electra offered theatrical performances that can be described as anything but glamorous.

But when Christopher Nolan, director of Prestige and Interstellar, willingly explained to venture on a trilogy of the Dark Knight Batman, hundreds of thousands of eyes were stuck on the big screens and couldn’t stop being amazed. The Batman trilogy by Christopher Nolan with Christian Bale as Batman was by far the best comic book adaptation of all time and gave DC and Marvel fans faith in excellent cinematic transformations of comics.

This Thursday, another cartoon movie highlight will hit the German cinemas: Batman vs Superman. In this prospective blockbuster, billionaire Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck), who protects Gotham City as Batman secretly against evil, stirs up hatred against Superman (Henry Cavill), protector of the neighboring city of Metropolis, and calls him a threat to the earth. Both superheroes come together vigorously until a new super villain appears. Only together will the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel have a chance against him. It is time to bring Justice League to life! Another eye candy is the Israeli model and actress Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.

We are very curious if Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is worth anything, because actually, after Daredevil, Ben Affleck swore to never play a comic book hero again. In addition, many fans complained in advance that Batman doesn’t possess the typical Batman look on unpublished images, as he was a bit too chubby. Nonetheless, we remain optimistic!

Image: © Warner Bros