Not only do strawberries taste good, but they also offer a lot of health benefits. Strawberries contain very few calories; one cup would have around 54 calories. What’s also amazing about this tiny berry is that it helps removing stored fat! Yes, strawberries are good for weight reduction. Their red coloring consists of anthocyanin, which stimulates fat burning! Aside from that, they also prevent your skin from aging too quickly, promote bone health and contain a lot of fiber.

There are many very simple recipes for strawberry drinks. Try to experiment with other healthy ingredients to create delicious meals and drinks. Here I have a very easy and fast recipe for a healthy breakfast.


1 cup soy milk
½ cup rolled oats
1 banana
14 (frozen) strawberries
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 ½ teaspoons stevia

Chop the banana into smaller pieces, clean the strawberries if necessary and add everything into a blender. You don’t have to, but if you like, you can also add some vanilla extract and stevia. Stevia is a sweetener extracted from the Stevia plant and is a great substitute for sugar as it has zero calories! Blend very well and serve in glasses.