A woman’s handbag is often more than just an accessory. As a daily companion, it combines functionality and design while storing everything a woman needs during the day. Most women are nuts on bags and have a whole collection at home, because a handbag should always match the outfit. This year, it’s definitely all about trendy red pieces!

A red handbag has many advantages, as it matches almost any outfit. Unlike the black version, it stands out and is a statement-piece of the outfit. You can combine it with black and white, but also with candy colors and vibrant ones. Many labels are aware of this trendy color and offer amazing pieces.

Red handbags have long been a premium at Guess. The label is known for functional pieces with plenty of storage space while convincing with great style. However, the current highlights are somewhat smaller, round handbags with a love message! Also at Michael Kors, you’ll find chic bags made of red leather. Their shiny logo will put the finishing touches to any outfit!

If that is still not enough for you, check out Liebeskind Berlin, Valentino or Moschino to find other red trend bags.

More Information: www.guess.euwww.michaelkors.com