Hello fellow beauty lovers.

God bless my lovely colleague for handing me a very interesting article the other day. I believe that this information will shake you to the core, in my case it did, anyways. You surely have that one friend that always proclaims that the “old days” seemed so much better. The prices were lower, people were happier and the ladies, yes, the ladies were more voluptious and nothing like the close-to-anorexic models we have to “endure” today. Best example is sex bomb Marilyn Monroe. Because Marilyn is the woman, who could seduce every man she wanted although she wore size 12.

Well, guess what. That little fact right there has just been epically proven wrong. You see, Debbie Reynolds’s collection of Hollywood costumes contained inter alia Monroe’s famous white halter dress, you know, the one that billowed up as the subway passed.

The costume was displayed on a mannequin that had to be slimmed down from an already size 2 because the waist of the dress was so teeny tiny. And the same ordeal happened to the rest of the mannequins that displayed Monroe’s late fashion. Now you may think to yourself: “But I’ve seen shots of her in a bikini, where she was in fact curvy.” Well, you might think of her famous shots at the beach, am I right? Well, those photographs showed an already pregnant Monroe. She herself once proclaimed, and I quote: “There is nothing positive about being fat. […] Life is more enjoyable when you are thin and pretty. I was never fat a day in my life and I never will.” Wow, way to go Ms Monroe. That’s how you crush the dreams of pre-puberty kids. Well, that’s that. Let’s mentally scratch her from the list of all women, who were not a size zero and still considered sexy as hell, shall we?

But worry not. Society may be judgemental, but it would be so darn sad if the world hasn’t changed, at least a bit because nowadays there are indeed women that aren’t skinny but are nonetheless beautiful. Take Kat Dennings, my woman crush for the rest of my life or Amber Rose and Beyoncé. And you may or may not have heard about Crystal Renn, the model, who is most famous for her fight against anorexia in the fashion industry. She’s been the figurehead for thick and curvy woman despite her occupation. I’ll dedicate a whole article to Crystal because her inspiring story simply has to be shared. Look out for it in the coming week.

Well, that’s it for today, my friends. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday!

Yours truly,
Lana Hoang

Information Source:
http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2012/04/marilyn-monroe-was-not-even-close-to-a-size-12-16/  ,

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