Primark is a Dublin-based textile discount store, which offers goods for everyday use, including cosmetics and jewelries, on a sales floor of thousands of square meters. Usually, we just head into a Primark store and leave it with a bunch of trash. I mean … it’s almost free. However, one customer received more than she had expected.

Chinese workers cried for help by sewing their appeal in the dresses. Big latin letters called for: “SOS SOS SOS!” Even messages that were more precise were found on the garments. One of them included a “degrading sweatshop conditions” or “forced to work exhausting hours”.

This were obviously goods from a Chinese prison where the prisoners have been forced to work. According to other reports, they had to work under unbearable conditions. The food they got was inedible.

Primark has already made headlines in April 2013 when a factory hall that had been producing clothes for the company suddenly collapsed. Over 1000 workers died. Primark announced to go into the matter, but as long as “tight is right” dominates, nothing will probably change.

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