Hello fellow beauty lovers.

Welcome back to Tip Tuesday!

Ladies and gents, you may or may not have noticed that everybody and their mothers have begun a healthier lifestyle. I mean my gym is nowadays crammed full of people, my Instagram feed only shows #Cleaneating and #Detox and Nike is on the fast track, benefitting a lot from this fitness hype.

This might be a trend but fact is a healthier lifestyle won’t hurt any of us. But I know from experience that clean eating combined with working out on a regular basis can be tricky, which is why I decided to post some tips on how to get started on this new lifestyle of yours.

Keep your head up and start your day right.

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Stay hydrated!

I know, this might be dated but Water is your best friend when it comes to toning or losing weight. And starting your day right can do absolute wonders for your whole day. Once I open my eyes I immediately grab for my water bottle. I always make sure to down at least 300ml before even fully waking up. It will tell your body that the day has officially started and that it is time to start burning calories. Uh-huh, it works and it will bring you one step closer to those prescribed 3l of water per day. 😉

Get some proteins into your systems!

Some of you may already know this but I am addicted to my Smoothies. I think there’s nothing as good and effective and QUICK as a cool Smoothie for breakfast. I use them for getting Vitamins and Proteins into my system as well as filling me up and firing up my engine, spurring my metabolism for the day. My personal favorite right now is a combination of kale, spinach, apple, banana, chia Seeds and Greek yoghurt. Believe me, it’s divine!

The Smoothie will get into your system in no time, so no waiting around for your digestive system to start working. It will boost your metabolism and thus your body will start burning calories like crazy. You will be officially in the lead of those, who made it their regime to skip breakfast. Congratulations!

Working out on a daily basis

isn’t as hard to maintain as it sounds
I want to introduce you to a lady, who pulled me out of my workout rut. Blogilates aka. Cassie Ho is my personal motivator to get lean. She uploads a FREE workout plan every month, which includes a series of videos on Youtube. They will target each and every muscle in your body and will bring you to your knees, believe me on that, my dears. She may look tiny but she is so strong, I am constantly in awe!
20-30 minutes are sufficient for beginners amongst you guys. You won’t believe the results you’re getting after only 30 days!

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I hope the tips could help you in any way.

See you night time.

Yours truly,


 Copyright: Readthetrieb