Natasha Tsu Ran  presents fashion with an experimental approach and classic attitude in her winter collection 2014/15. This designer has created fashion since 2008 and plays with silhouettes, materials, colors and textures in order to find new trends. Her collection focuses on asymmetrical cuts, extreme combination options with playful colors and patterns.

This look is wild, bold and playful but striking- without covering too much. The wearer is always the center of attention, individuality is underlined by every design. I love the interplay of leather, fur and fluent, floor-length materials. Daring pattern combinations can be found here- camouflage and dot work are mixed with classical squares.

The motto could be „Mix ‘n’ Match“, because it got pretty exciting when my eyes fell on a model wearing several materials, structures and patterns at the same time. Short braletes or blouse dresses in asymmetrical cuts look as crazy as some extraordinary fur coats.

This stunning collection presented in the Ukrainian city Lviv  at the  Fashion Week  hit the fashion world like a bomb – it’s hard to resist for every fashionista!

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