The “Hausdoktoren” is a group of DJs from Berlin, who came together in 2010.

Their aim is quite simple: “We want to make the heart beat master, to get even the last ones dancing!”
Hausdoktor is German for “family doctor” and a family doctor’s job is to do a diagnosis if his patient feels bad. In this case, the diagnosis is: “Severe lack of great techno”. The treatment: the Hausdoktors!
Dr. Heinrich (Daniel Heinrich) (DJ/Producer)
Dr. Friedrich (Max Quapp) (DJ/Producer)
Dr. Dietrich (Paul Quapp) (Pianist/Composer/Producer)
Dr. Padar (Kevin Padar) (Guitar)

The group from Berlin injects a medicine cocktail with TECHNO AMBIENT & TECHNO MELODIC, to take good care of us. And so they started to reach the heart and soul of their audience from Berlin. They even played together with local and national DJs, gaining popularity very soon.
After a while, they invented new antibiotics: Techno meets Electric Guitar. So they decided to get a man for the guitar, named Kevin Padar.  He’s playing guitar solos at live concerts that already have quite complex tracks to even further get the dancing people going. And their popularity has long left the borders of Berlin. The doctors already rocked Dresden, Munich and even the Netherlands!
However, their heart will always be beating for the capitol and their own samples are 100% Berlin!

Forget war, play piano

Forget war, play piano

