The first date is always exciting and therefore can fill you with a lot of insecurity. Of course you have to look attractive. You’ll have to be able to answer unprecedented questions and convince the person in front of you that you’re great – basically, the first date is like a job interview. Even the most stylish women get nervous when thinking about it and start wondering which outfit and which makeup she should pick.

A woman who seems to drip with strength, confidence and clarity is a woman that represents the Femme Fatale. She knows what she wants and she gets it. And which color do you think is the best one to express the perks of a Femme Fatale? It’s red of course! Red is the color for energy, confidence as well as eroticism and passion. Scientific studies have even proven that fact – men feel more attracted to women clothed in red.

However, your whole outfit shouldn’t be just red of course. Little details such as red lips or red fingernails are just two things men like. But keep in mind that if your first date is just at a café or a romantic stroll through the park, a natural look will be much more authentic. A soft, natural and cute feminine look can also turn a man’s head. Nude and pastel shades for example were present on the international catwalks for the spring and summer of 2014. Pastel makeup around your eyes can be a, well, eye catcher. Especially when combined with a nacre nuance.

What’s most important when going on a date though is staying true to yourself, feeling great in your outfit and expressing your confidence. Because this is the best way to present yourself and to enjoy the date.

nude lips - red kiss

Copyright: Readthetrieb