Jewelry for the Royals!

The label I’m going to show you now is my absolute favorite one when it comes to jewelry. It’s called Code Royal and its jewelries could be made for real royals. Only the finest materials are used to create all the rings and necklaces. Silver, gold and even diamonds are some of the crucial ingredients. You’re offered a wide range of colors including gold or rosé gold.

The label is also famous for its seal rings. You can choose between more than 60 motifs – from your embellished zodiac sign to the modern ring with your individual inscription. You can find a beautiful piece for yourself, but also for your friends and families.

You can even customize your own rings. Every piece of the ring is customized by you. This is how you can create your perfect item. This exceptional label offers everything from the subtle to the ostentatious designs. The designers also offer you charms, cufflinks with or without diamonds, which create the motifs on the seal stones (available in over 20 colors).

The best thing about Code Royal is that you can even create your own family emblem, which later on embellishes your showpiece.

code royale 1    code royal 4    code royal 3    code royal 2

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