The 80s and 90s kids know what they’re waiting for: the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Movie (aka TMNT). Although, it’s still going to take a while until it will be out in theatres. It is expected to be out at the end of the year; take or give a few weeks since the film industry is truly full of mysteries. But there’s something for you that will keep up the excitement and anticipation. First teaser pictures of Leonardo and Co, as well as their archenemy Shredder were found in the vast realm of the internet and – oh boy- I’m just saying “Badass, man!”. I mean, look at it. There is not much left of those embarrassing costumes from the movie of the 90s. This is going to be a turtle film for the grown up kids who were stuck to the TV in the afternoon just for TMNT…haaa, such glorious days!

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