You’ll need

1x base coat

1x black polish

1x white striper

 web nails 1web nails 2


Step 1

Start off with a black canvas. Here I’m using Essence’s Back To Black.

Step 2

Now take your white striper and paint a vertical line down up until the first third of your nail.

Step 3

Now with the same striper paint a diagonal line towards the right side of the nail.

Step 4

Do the same to the other side.

Step 5

Now connect the first vertical line with both the diagonal lines by painting a slightly curved line between them.

Repeat until you have a full blown net.

Step 6

I decided to paint a big fat spider as a sort of cherry on top. Just place a big blop in the middle of your nail and use the striper to create his legs.



Copyright: Readthetrieb