India has to offer a lot of beautiful women that like to take special care of their beauty. And their beauty secrets are usually so simple that each of us can easily include them into their beauty regimen at home. Here are the best beauty tricks from India that will transform you into a true beauty with just a few steps :

  1. Natural skin brightening
    In India, many women prefer a pale skin, which is why they use a very simple mixture that reduces their tan or evens out their complexion. For this, you just need the juice of one lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Mix the ingredients together and apply to the skin. The bleaching effect of the lemon will lighten the skin, while the honey will provide it with moisture.

  2. Henna for your hair
    Henna is beautiful not only on the skin, but also for your hair. If you want to achieve a slight burgundy red gleam in your hair color, you should definitely try it once on your hair. Just mix a pure, natural henna powder properly and apply it to your hair carefully. It is very important to not apply too much, if you don’t want to look like Arielle, the little mermaid.
  3. Eggs as a facial mask
    Egg yolk can do amazing things for your face: An egg yolk face mask, distributed on the nose, chin and cheeks, minimizes your pores and shrinks them together. This is probably the easiest option, that can be recreated by anyone at home.