Back in the days, we only had a small fraction of products that can be found in stores today. Especially when it came to beauty products that was the case, which is why everyone had to bring their creative skills to light in order to get the desired effect.

Here are 3 beauty tricks for you, that are super old school but nevertheless still work:

1. Creamy eyeliner using a lighter: To change the consistency of your dry, black kajal pencil and to make it, it helps to hold the tip of the pen over a lighter for a few seconds. This warms up the product and makes it easier to blend.

2. Shiny hair using olive oil: Olive oil is not only good for cooking, our hair loves it as well. An olive treatment overnight makes the hair shiny and soft the next day and should be repeated at least once a week, especially in winter to protect the hair from drying out.

3. Curling iron for your eyelashes: Don’t worry. The hot curling iron should be kept away from your eyes. To achieve the same effect in our eyelashes we get with a curling iron in our hair though, we advise you to just warm up the eyelash curler using a hairdryer. Before applying mascara, curl your eyelashes with it and get amazing results that will last longer and look better than usual.