We are Seiba – this is the story behind the round-the-world journey that brought American Ashley Shoshan to establish her label, Seiba.

Yes, we often forget about them, but nevertheless they remain in many corners of the world. These Native people have preserved their cultures and traditions in a little pocket of time far, far away from the globalised metropolises. They mostly live in miserable circumstances, and are increasingly being forced to move to the big cities and take up conventional jobs. Many of their traditional handicraft practices are thus lost in the process.

Ashley Shoshan wants to provide a little assistance with her label, Seiba. The accessories of this line are handmade by the Chamula, the inhabitants of Chipas in Mexico. Taking up to two days per piece, they handcraft colourful armbands, belts and other accessories. The patterns remind me of the currently very trendy Aztec prints. Being knotted, they feel a little more intricate and complicated – they can either blend in perfectly with a trendy ethno look or spice up a simple outfit. Those who fancy ethno style can now do a little something to help preserve the Chamula culture.

More Info: www.weareseiba.com