Logo-GoetheFestwoche-150x113This year, the fifth Goethe Festwoche is going to take place under the motto “Goethes Ethos – In tausend Formen magst du dich verstecken” (Goethe’s Ethos – You are hiding in a thousand ways”) from September 19 to 28. An exhibition and 23 other events, including readings, movie presentations, performances and even a song evening, are planned for the schedule.

On September 20, the classic “Elective Affinities” will be shown. The event starts at 4pm and costs €7.00 (reduced: €5.00). You can see the entire schedule and event stops here: www.goethewoche.de. Celebrate an amazing week dedicated to our  awesome author, scientist and politician.

Copyright and Source: http://www.frankfurt.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=2855&_ffmpar[_id_inhalt]=25169840http://www.kultur-frankfurt.de/portal/de/Buehne/Festivals26Freilicht/1058/2148/68587/mod1583-details1/4.aspx