
Hello fellow beauty lovers.

Since February I am an active user of certain gadgets and applications to try to eat healthier and training more effectively. It has become a daily routine for me to track my meals just to see how my eating behaviour affected my weight. My well-loved Polar pulse watch is a loyal companion on my trips to the gym or on a running spree to make sure that I don’t burn up muscles instead of fat. Apps like MyFitnessPal and TheEatery in combination with my pulse watch helped me lose 6kg altogether. So when someone made me aware of this new trend, I realized that there was actually a term for my behaviour: Self Tracking. So called Self-Trackers measure certain information about themselves through gadgets or apps. They track their pulses, number of steps, calories and even their blood sugar levels to optimize their lifestyle and fitness. And I have to say that writing down things and data really does helps, at least in my case. You see, when you have to note every single thing you’re eating, you will consequently leave the bag of crisps in the cupboard and opt for an apple instead because it is in the human nature to strive for the best results. But Self-Tracking not only includes fitness, although that is a big part of it. You can even monitor your sleeping patterns or reduce your own stress level through new gadgets and apps.

Each of those apps is connected to a variety of social networks, making sure that the customers have the possibility to share they success online.

But how healthy can it be to be under surveillance 24/7? You can’t deny the subtle obsession lying within all this documenting of information with your smartphone. Because once you hit the “Share” button you allow companies to look into your data. The everlasting problem with data security won’t spare this new trend. By making online profiles in those applications we’re creating a gateway for pharm industries and insurance companies to look into our health. In that way we become more and more transparent for the world and the bad part is: It is all self-inflicted.

Well, some people love it, some people don’t. What do you think about Self-Tracking? Yay or nay?

Yours truly,

Lana Hoang





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