With exciting prints in the Gothic style,  Hyraw  conquers the fashion world as a label which specializes in clothing for the alternative fashion scene. Well, who  can’t approve of this extravagant style, still has to admit that the lavish and detailed prnts  truly are impressive thanks to their sophistication and well chosen motifs at second glance. Tribal patterns, skulls, captions and roses make up a great selection of amazing prints

For women as well as for men, the brand offers an individual collection of tops ranging from t-shirts to hoodies. While the motifs for the men are rather sinister, pink and red have been combined to please the women. A bitter sweet, romantic touch is achieved. In both cases, the skull plays the main role and can be discovered on almost all models in different variations.

Tank tops, t-shirts and sweat jackets for the men are embellished with huge prints. These are exclusively colored in black, grey, white and blood red. Composed of skulls, coffins, swords and skeletons, the prints point to the dark style of the brand. The women’s line is completed by cheeky, oversize sweaters apart from tops and t-shirts. Here, the skull again is a golden thread running through the clothing line and creates a strong contrast to the heart print.

The French brand really digs artsy graphics, which truly are marked by the influence of the tattoo scene. At the LondonEdge Fair in Berlin you can fall in love with the label’s individual style.

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Copyright and Souce: http://www.hyraw.com/ and http://londonedge.com/