What happens if you combine Adventure Time and Futurama? You create something totally maniac. Bravest Warriors embodies all this. It was created by the creators of the cult series Adventure Time, Pendleton Ward ! The series was exclusively made for the YouTube channel of Cartoon Hangover.

Now, I’d like to talk about the plot without giving too many spoilers. A couple of teenagers are looking for their father in a space station. At that point, they receive help from a paralyzed horse and a cat bug which looks like a hybrid between a cat and a bug. During the scout, they experience many adventures.

Every episode is only 5-7 minutes long, but this is okay, because our brains would probably explode because of too much information and too many color bombs. You can’t really imagine what I’m talking about? Check out the entire first season: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv99gj1xxWw.


Copyright and Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2474952/ and http://bravestwarriors.cartoonhangover.com/ (Image by Mike Holmes)