Elsien Gringhuis is not only the name of the Dutch label which will participate in the Berlin Fashion Week in the Greenshowroom  but it is also the name of the highly praised female designer who is pulling the strings behind this brand. How successful her minimalist tomboy style is and whether the way she presents her fashion is approved of the fashion world is definitely indicated by the many prizes she has already won. But it’s not only the prizes you should consider, just take a look at her creations and be in awe.

In her latest collection for 2014, she presents purist straight lines in the form of tough cuts and the geometric separation and arrangement of certain different-colored panels. A fruity red, fuchsia, black, forest green and grey form the main part of the color palette, which are arranged in a bichrome way within one outfit. The only print Elsien Gringhuis made use of is the different batiks which adorn her creations, adding excitement to the minimalist style.

Elsien Grinhuis, the winner of the Green Fashion Competition in 2011 and the Fair Luxury Awards 2012, will rid you of the stereotypical image you have of a woman. The outfit consisting of a batik blouse and an azure blue pair of pants is for instance featuring a cummerbund which is an element often incorporated into men’s suits. It definitely represents a sophisticated little eye catcher.

We are looking forward to seeing the show of the Dutch designer who founded her label in 2009. Her collection for 2015 is going to take our breaths away once again.

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Copyright and Source: http://www.elsiengringhuis.com/ and http://green-showroom.net/