coconut oil




Hello fellow beauty lovers.

I recently found this amazing tip online by a glorious blogger girl named Cara. It’s pretty simple, really, but in my opinion it is the best tip I’ve seen in months.

As a girl, I know how high maintenance it can be to put on makeup each and every day. The only thing worse is to wash it all off at the end of the day. I’ve been struggling to find a good eye makeup remover for waterproof mascara and eyeliner, which is also reasonably priced.

This girl, Cara, introduced me to a fabulously easy and cheap way to remove your waterproof eye makeup with ease.

Let me introduce you to one of nature’s miracles: coconut oil.

Right, it’s the stuff you sometimes put in your hair to smooth it out but guess what, you can also use it on your face and it does absolute wonders to your complexion as well as swiftly gets rid of unwanted mascara residues.

As a wearer of contact lenses I can whole-heartedly recommend it to all of you who have sensitive eyes.

The only two things you’ll need are cotton pads and pure coconut oil. You can purchase this in wholefood shops, even big grocery markets like Real or Rewe and of course, you can order some on online on Amazon.

On the image you can see that you merely need a small amount of oil. Rub it between your fingers as it responds to body heat and start applying it on your eyes. Afterwards just tap it off with damp cotton pads and you’re left with makeup-free eyes. The best part is that you won’t even need an eye cream as the coconut oil does the moisturizing part just fine.

I hope I could introduce you to a great natural eye makeup remover!

Yours truly,

