If you’re being honest, you would admit that there is nothing more beautiful than listening to the evening rain in your bed. The air smells fresh, the sound is soothing and the whole atmosphere has something melancholic to it.

This feeling is now wearable as snapbacks by Basso and Brooke Studio.

The color is kept in a wonderful dark blue and there are geometric elements all over the item which seem to transition into each other. They’re transparent and have the acid wash look. Grey, light blue and white embellishments will make you smell the rain. Moreover, little red areas are added to create some contrasts…or maybe they’re actually the lights from cars driving through the rain?

Well, you can interpret them however you want. Something you should also check out from the Night Rain Series are the shirts, t-shirts, sweaters and shorts.

Picture Copyright:  http://bassoandbrooke.com/night-rain-cap.html