free to play

DOTA 2 is a game by the Steam makers Valve and it is free to play.
The only revenue Valve gets with this game comes from buyable skins. Except for the visuals, these skins don’t give the players spending money on the game any advantage which ensures certain fairness.

In DOTA 2 you play one of many heroes in an arena. The aim is to destroy to enemy base. Since it’s an online game, there are always 5 players playing against 5 other players per match.

I already watched the documentary with a friend of mine. She doesn’t play games herself, but even she said that she got an idea of what the game is about.

Three stories are told in “Free to Play”. Three stories about pro-gamers, who all take part in the same DOTA 2 tournament and all fight for the prize money of a million dollars. They’re all playing in different teams, thus showing everyone’s point of view – the winners and the losers.

The main story however is about their families, ambitions, friendship, love and their attempt to show the last generation that you can actually make money with “playing games”.

It is an inspiring, enlightening and especially touching documentary.

And I even suggest the ones who don’t play games to watch this documentary! It is just too great to miss it!

Watch this dokumentary for free on Youtube.