The Danish designer finished her master’s degree studies at the Danish school of design in Copenhagen in 2006. Beside this education as a fashion designer she also made her bachelor degree in history of arts. This also influences her inspirations. She doesn’t only works in the fashion world, but also likes to combine fashion with handcrafts, stage designs the art; and so, she blurs the lines between them. Her product palette ranges from exhibits over ready-to-wear pieces and exceptional textile processings to costumes for movies and the theater.

Laura Baruel’s works aren’t divided into collections, but into different projects. Among these, she works on a project for costume design where she addresses the “Pagts”, a Danish series for young people and especially girls. Another project deals with printed everyday wear and presents casual summer dresses. The rest refers to the exhibition projects that are held in Denmark and even in Peking.

In these works she shows her talent concerning the textile design and the cutting techniques. Her creations often follow a feminine silhouette with a small waist and a wide skirt. This is of course crucial considering the fact that they were part of a rococo exhibition. Here, she presents ostentatious dresses which look like they were made of paper – so delicate and filigree. The designer addresses different animals and plants in her dresses and mixes them with details of the landscape.

Her works are always special. Just have a look at those creations which seem to be of ferns. They transform the wearer into a sylph. Laura Baruel creates fashion that is fascinating and touching. 
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