After a long and hard working day, you just want to relax at home and enjoy some calm. It can’t get more relaxing than taking off your work outfit and slipping into your leisure suit. But what exactly is a leisure suit or a pajama? Well, it seems as if there is no real definition determining what a pajama has to look like. I came to the conclusion that is should just be a comfortable outfit that is usually worn at home. Whereas women and men wore elegant and presentable gowns and coats at home in olden days, we prefer extremely comfortable clothing in our privacy today.

Whether it’s a two-piece pajama, a onesie or a tracksuit, it doesn’t matter. The main point is to just feel comfortable in your clothing. Your outfit has to feel like a second skin. We spotted amazing pajamas by Pj Salvage  that impress with amazing prints like small motorcycles and cute dogs. Sweet! We also fell in love with Uniqlo ‘s loungewear sets with colorful vichy karo prints. Those who like to enjoy a cup of hot tea in their bed will appreciate the variety of affordable pajamas offered by stylish labels like H&M, Zara, Pj Salvage and Uniqlo.

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