Upon researching Indian skin care and hair treatments I found myself stumbling over the same interesting fruit over and over again: Amla, also known as the Indian gooseberry. I learned that in India, Amla is regarded as the best source of vitamin C, which explains why it is a main ingredient in many hair products as well as Ayurverdic preparations. Vitamin C helps build collagen, which is extremely important for hair growth. It also plays a key role in absorbing iron, which keeps your mane strong and healthy.

However, what might be of most interest are its anti-dandruff properties. The fruit best known for its high vitamin C levels is also a rich source for essential fatty acids that both nourish the hair from the roots downwards and serves to keep the hair follicles healthy and strong. When suffering from severe scalp dryness, you’re best advised to treat the scalp with the juice of the berry directly. However, it is also said that it can be extremely beneficial to consume the juice as it prevents an accumulation of dandruff on the scalp from within.

As a treatment to use directly on the scalp, it is best to use Amla powder. Mix it with a little bit of water as well as lime juice. Apply the mixture to the scalp, leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse it out thoroughly.