An Indian summer: dry weather, warm temperatures, colourful leaves and blue sky. This weather phenomenon, which can only be described as beautiful, shows off the gorgeous and lovely side of autumn. Every few years, an autumn like this comes to North America.

If you look at this phenomenon in a scientific way, the so-called Indian summer is caused by areas of high pressure in the atmosphere that emerge after a night of frost. The high-pressure areas remain for several days or weeks before giving way to low-pressure areas. Of course, an Indian summer is not fully complete without one of the loveliest natural spectacles in autumn: nature slowly clothing itself in red and gold.

Nevertheless, the American indigenous people had a different explanation for this occurrence, and trust me when I say that their version is way more exciting than the meteorological explanation. The Iroquois often told the story of two hunters who followed a big bear. Being capable of magic, the bear ascended to the sky. Nevertheless, the hunters did not give up. They overcame great heights, captured the bear and killed hm. His blood coloured the trees red, ringing in the most beautiful autumn North America had ever seen.

What a beautiful story behind a beautiful natural phenomenon!