Hey Beauties.

Sweatparties are staples during the summer. Some of us have to fight transpiration during the mornings, during lunch even in the evenings once the heat is cranked up by Mother Nature. However, it doesn’t have to be this way! There are some really wicked tips you can use to save yourselves during summer and no, I am not talking about carrying a mini ventilator around for 24/7.

Pace yourself around Sriracha
Hot sauces like sriracha or your typical hot peppers contain CPS or capsaicin. This little culprit sends signals to your brain and causes a downright hot wave in your body. It can’t reciprocate in any other way than inaugurating the cool-down by letting you sweat your eyeballs out. So, pace yourself around hot sauces.

Step back from caffeine
Caffeine stimulates our central nerve system and activates the sweat glands. Especially when it’s delivered in hot coffee or hot green tea. However, if you depend on your morning caffeine, opt for the iced version!

Be thrifty when it comes to choosing your outfit for the day
If you swear on fabrics like polyester during summer, you’re practically asking for it. During summer it will be wiser to opt for fabrics like light cotton or satin, even moisture-wicking fabrics to keep the body cool during the hot summer day.

Use salt with a light hand
Not only caffeine and hot sauces can trigger your sweat glands, salt can do as much damage. When your body gets too much salt it has to work all the more to get rid of it and this happens during transpiration. So salt with a lighter hand and be happy about dry armpits.

Razors are you best friend
Speaking of armpits, it should be a no-brainer that you have to shave on a regular basis. It’s a known fact that sweat likes to accumulate at body parts with a lot of hair. And that’s what causes the bad odour we sometimes have to endure during a long train ride. However, if we were to shave ourselves on a regular basis we not only tackle transpiration but also its best friend: bad odour.

Say no to sweat parties!

Yours truly,

Image Source: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudor#/media/File:Boy_Face_from_Venezuela.jpg, Photo by The Photographer

Information Source: http://www.bustle.com/articles/31950-learn-how-to-stop-sweating-so-much-with-9-sneaky-tips-spoiler-put-down-the-hot, http://www.express.de/gesund-fit/anti-schweiss-tipps-wie-man-weniger-schwitzt-und-mueffelt,9567976,27505588,item,1.html, http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schweiß