
Hey mate,

It’s getting colder, darker and somber in Germany. So, my semester abroad is just standing me in good stead. It took months until I could prepare everything. I had to do a lot of annoying paper work, had to run after numerous offices and sent many applications.

But what is my exact destination? I decided for a country which belonged to the first ones I applied for. The extremely sincere reply to my application paired with the super amazing interview persuaded me to choose this particular country: Australia.

Trang, 23, bored by trips through Germany is on her way to one of the coolest fashion centers of the world – Sydney.

And the most ironic fact about it: I never wanted to go there. Typical German girl – always seeking for perfect organization and security. And so, I went through all kinds of websites that could show me potentially dangerous places, animals and plants and everything, just EVERYTHING that might be dangerous. Another reason could also be that I’m a typical woman and therefore less daring? Before finding out what beautiful sights await you at your destination, you should figure out what can harm you.

I hate deep water; I hate insects, spiders and heat. And yet I decided to fly to the notorious Aussies. I didn’t even want to fly to somewhere so far away from Germany. And I could tell you numerous moments during which I was just complaining about my future in Australia. You probably wonder why this stupid girl is doing that trip if she even doesn’t like it. Well, the reason is simple: I would be even more stupid if I didn’t take this chance. Well, what would a typical teenager say in such a situation?


See you soon and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram! readthetrieb_sydney


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