On July 12th, the Battlefest Event is starting – that’s where you have to master a whole bunch of challenges and win contests to win prizes.

For the first two days, every player will get an experience boost for every match played. Moreover, you can send in your Battlefield 4 Screenshots to win daily updated prizes such as AMD graphics cards, DICE-Store coupons and premium memberships!

During the event, which will be running until August 13th, you also get the chance to participate in event sequences in the game where you can earn double the experience points than usual and you can unlock new Camos. Camos are skins for the many guns which Battlefield 4 features.

And there’s even more to win! Every player can participate in the community missions in which you have to achieve a goal together: such as reviving your teammates 15 million times in 5 days. If the community wins, every player who’s been logged in during the mission gets a free Gold Battlepack!

DICE also has something for you creative guys and filmmakers – Everyone can send in a Battlefield 4 stunt video, DICE will nominate the best 12 videos and the winners will get a great price!

The ones of you who don’t have Battlefield 4 yet, I can only suggest you get it!

Since it’s been out for a while now, you can get it for as low as $25 on Amazon!

Copyright and Source: http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/battlefield-4/news/battlefield_4,47443,3057771.html