In 2012, the label Ving Ming made their debut with an excellent shoe collection at the Fashion Week Kuala Lumpur. To the pleasure of the fans of these astounding designer shoes, the label of the eponymous designer is back this year. This time, Ving Ming created a charming collection in avant-garde style.

Here, the high heels are the focus. The high-fashion look is not only achieved by their luxurious colors, like black patent leather, Bordeaux red or violet. It’s the ensemble of shape, color and added details – lines which for instance look like they were engraved into the leather. Then the shoes are completed with a stiletto or wedge heel. The golden shine adds the ultimate glamour effect!

Yes, glitz and glamour from head to toe – that’s what this label is known for. It gilds your individual look and the brilliant, unique designer shoes are the cherry on the top.

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