By now, in this fast-paced world, you can say that Survival Horror Games. In contrast to Horror Games such as Dead Space, you can’t fight the monsters in Survival Horror. This is exactly what makes these games so interesting, however this special attribute sometimes is a curse as well. In a poorly made Survival Horror game, your surroundings and the monsters you may meet are just annoying and lame.

A great example for a really well-done Survival Horror Game is Outlast however. You play an investigative journalist who’s on his way to an asylum. Originally, the main character Miles Upshur was assuming that the Murkoff Corporation is washing money at the “Mount Massive Asylum”. He received this information anonymously from a person who calls himself “The Whistleblower”.

Well, following this lead was a huge mistake. Soon you’ll find dead security personal everywhere, blood and cryptic messages on the walls – written with blood of course. And quite a few more things. You’re carrying a camera to record all those happenings.

Apart from that, you have to solve tricky puzzles, read interesting notes and most importantly: Run, run run!

Ever since the Amnesia: The Dark Descent Hype, a whole lot of Indie Developers have joined the Survival Horror bandwagon. And as someone who views this game niche in a very critical way, I must admit: The developers “Red Barrels” managed to scare me a lot and to convince me with Outlast!


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