I’m sure I got some of you itching to make your own photographs with my latter articles on that issue. And now you’re standing there with that new expensive camera in your hands and think you can start right away? Well, you could learn everything by trying…or you use the photography guide by Tom Ang. This precious thing has a special place in my collection as well. You want to know why? Let me explain.

The author talks about numerous forms of photography in depth and also includes interviews with renowned grand masters of this field of art. After that, he shows you his way of working, what kind of camera he uses and he tells you why he decided to be a photographer.

Additionally, he gives you advice and suggestions on how to improve one’s photographs and he points out what is to be done to take a picture that will take your breath away. There’s a lot to be mindful of!

Everything is accompanied with several examples so you can follow his instructions. In my opinion, this book is definitely worth your money and a great help. Moreover, this guide includes a book of photographs with more than just magnificent pictures.















Image Copyright: http://www.amazon.de/Fotografieren-wie-die-Profis-Meisterkurs