This watch transforms your arm into the permanent physical extension of the heart or of the Smartphone, which indeed is the center of life for some. Because with the new 800Mhz cell phone watch, the phone is simply coupled to the Samsung Gear. There are already some smart watches, which completely replace the Smartphone … but they are not from Samsung. For € 239.00, you can get the buy-equipped engineering marvel on Amazon with a Super AMOLED touch screen and a powerful 1.9 megapixel camera.

Whether with thick winter gloves or thick fingers, a truly extraordinary handling is ensured.. Thank you, voice control!
The days when you tried to explain to the Men of Justice why you were holding the phone to your ear are gone. Phone while driving? NEVER! The SmartWatch can do it anywhere, while cycling, snowboarding and even during sex, there are no limits to your fantasy no matter where you want to call someone or takes pictures with this watch.

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