Fabio Lissi speaks out for all of our men. Fabio Lissi has reached goals, some guys could not even imagine. His experiences both in university and at work help him to design high-quality accessories for men. That’s right, honeys, todays post is going to be all about men and accessories. You can now officially browse the page and let your inner child out.

Belt buckles is THE signature feature of guys. The shinier and more pompous, the better. “Skulls and Roses” is a great combination of pure testosterone and a touch romance. It is hold by a high-quality leather band. If you prefer your belt buckle a tad more minimalistic, just grab “Skulls” – it’s basically the same, just less roses and more skulls 😉

From wristbands to handbags for men. Another beautiful piece is, in my opinion, a wide wristband made out of silver and steel. It also features tiny little skulls along the edges. But the accessories also include handbags, isn’t that right, guys? Handbags have been all over the city lately. I for one really like those that are made out of real leather, both light and dark. And who am I to judge whether or not boys should wear handbags, too, right? 😉

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