The less he says, the more you want to know about him. Bernard Delettrez is a very quiet man. He prefers to express his opinions and emotions through his own form of art. Which kind of art? Well, he creates. He forms. He designs. For the past 30 years he’s been designing unique pieces of jewelry. Pieces you keep in those soft black velvet roll-up bags which look so noble.

Bling Bling for our guys. I still can’t get over the fact that this assortment for men is dripping with diversity. Normally, a jewelry collection for men consists of 1-2 rings, a couple of leather cuffs and bands. But no, this is not the case here, at Bernard Delettrez, my dears. Bernard Delettrez managed to install his signature skulls into the wide range of jewelry for men. The so called “Snakes Ring” holds an almost fragile looking skull made out of white marble in its centre. Besides this gem, the collection offers golden and silver claws as rings and as cuffs. The highlight of the show is a silver necklace that is adorned by a pitch-black gem in the centre. The stone is surrounded by teenzy tiny skulls made out of fine silver. Who said that jewelry is a girl’s thing?

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