You’ll need


1x pink nailpolish

1x coral polish

1x light pink polish

1x black polish

1x golden polish + golden glitter

 1x white nail polish

a dotting tool or the end of a brush


Step 1

Start off by painting your pinky, pointer and thumb coral.

Step 2

Take your dotting tool and place 2 sized dots on the already painted nails. Then, take your white polish and paint your middle finger white.

Step 3

What’s left is your ring finger. Take your golden polish, paint the nail and continue with the golden glitter for a glamorous finish.

Step 4

With a pink polish and a dotting tool create a flower by placing 4 dots on your white nail. Then just take a lighter pink and place a tiny dot in the middle of your flower.

Step 5

Now take your black polish and a small dotting tool, place a dot right on top of the light pink one and then connect the flowers by creating fine black strokes between them.

manicure 3

See you next week beauties.

Yours truly,


Copyright: Readthetrieb