Hey Beauties.

Today’s TAG Thursday is all about decisions. You will get a glimpse into my personal life without having to go without beauty related stuff. This TAG was really fun to do and I encourage you to feel tagged and do it yourself.


1.  Shower or bathtub?
Bathtub all the way, baby. Especially now that the colder months have officially arrived there’s really nothing better than having a relaxing pamper evening with a hot bath. I’m saving money for my huge Lush Haul this year, so stay tuned for that.

2. Eye brow pencil or powder?
Honestly? My choice will always be the eye brow powder. I personally think that a girl can work much neater with a powder. It also gives the most natural finish and I just can’t seem to get it done with a pencil.

3.  Lipstick or Lipgloss?
Well this one’s easy: Lipstick all the way.

4. Tea or Coffee?
Well, I guess it’s tea. Although I enjoy a nice cup of coffee now and then, there’s nothing that compares to a sweet tea and a good book in the winter months.

5. Easter or Christmas?
Christmas, duh! There’s nothing that compares to Christmas, boys and girls. I am SO feeling the festive days this year, I can’t even describe it. I just love all the lights they’ve been putting up lately and I adore the atmosphere around those days. Just. Can’t. Wait.

6. Citytrip or Beach Vacay?
Wow, that’s a tough one. It’s as if somebody would offer you a trip to NYC to visit Manhattan and live the life of a certain Carrie Bradshaw or a ticket to Fidji where you can dive and sunbathe the whole day. Come to think of it I’d probably choose the latter. 😉

7. Catrice or Essence?
Catrice – I think Essence is targeting younger girls than me.

8. TV or book?
Even if I will look like a total nerd now but I will always choose a good read over TV. It’s like you’re watching a freaking movie in your HEAD. That’s just plain awesomeness.

9.  Fabric handkerchiefs or normal ones?
That’s a weird question. I will go with the normal ones. Just because I think that I’m slightly too young to use fabric ones 😉

10. tanned or pale?
Well I think that both skin tones can be absolutely gorgeous depending on the person. I’d rather have a more pale skintone because when I tan I don’t tan like normal people, I don’t get this amazingly healthy looking tanned colour, I look like dirt itself. Sad but true story.

11. Cartoon or real movie?
I would be lying if I’d say that I don’t watch cartoon ever because I really do enjoy them.

12. Burger King or McDonals?
Don’t fancy either of them but if I had to choose It’ll probably be the latter. I used to really like the Nuggets 😀

13. Fish fingers or sushi?
I LOOOOVE sushi, it’s incredibly tasty and so easy to do yourself. Although making fish fingers isn’t rocket science either 😉 

14. Long or short nails?
I like them long so my hands appear to be slimmer haha!

15. Saving money or spending money?
Well judging by my lifestyle it would be the latter although it would be really good and even life saving if I’d finally learn to save money effectively.

16. Eating out or cooking at home?
I really don’t mind cooking but sometimes it’s just easier to eat out 😉

17. MyVideo or Youtube?

18. City or Countryside?
I grew up in the city and I live in a city but I think it would be a nice change to live in the countryside someday. But not today. 😉

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