A couple of months ago I discovered the youtube videos of the user „Der Artgenosse“ ( „The Conspecific“) which are clearing up several prejudices against veganism in an objective but still humorous way. Each of his videos is concerning a different argument to justify the consumption of meat that every vegan has heard at least 30 times. Der Artgenosse explains for example why humans don’t necessarily have to eat meat just because a lion for instance is a carnivore.
And it gets better: Everything is verbalized in such a sarcastic and ironic way, which definitely made me laugh many times. I really like the fact that he isn’t afraid of self-irony. Also in general I really appreciate his attempt to educate veganism without showing any pictures of tortured animals.
Der Artgenosse describes himself like this: „ Der Artgenosse is an extremist militant damn soy-eating do-gooder eco-vegan nazi who catches his arrogant bigmouthness on tape to harass people on the internet just for making himself seem important.“
A very likable person in my opinion, who makes really amusing and educating videos that convey a very important message in an unobtrusive way. But sadly, you have to know German to understand what he’s saying…
Image Source: http://tinasoebbing.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/GoVegan.jpg
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1LTWhnte4f7XrkLQvkdRug/videos