The wanderlust gets a hold of you again, the time’s right, the bank account looks surprisingly good as well, but you just cannot find a travel buddy to take along on your trip? Never mind. Get outside of your comfort zone and head off into the world on your own! In order to remove any doubts, here are some reason you should definitely bear in mind:

  1. If you head off into foreign countries on your own, you will improve your self-esteem. Successfully managing travel-related challenges by yourself provides you with an immense boost of confidence.
  2. You will also learn how to develop a better relationshop with yourself and how to stop being dependent on others. It’s all up to you to make it work – sounds pathetic, but seems accurate nevertheless.
  3. You are going to be fascinated by all the new friends you’d meet along the way. People who travel on their own, are more likely to get involved in conversations because they are initially more curious – that’s why it wouldn’t be such a big deal for you either to approach new and unfamiliar faces.
  4. You can actually do, whatever you want. You can completey rely on yourself, total freedom, no responsobilities, no justifications.
  5. You will get to know yourself better. Separated from your usual every-day friends, being and traveling by yourself, you will undoubtedly encounter some adversites, anxieties, or fears along the way- BUT if you successfully manage to defeat those, you will feel better than ever before!