Countless myths and legends grow around Berlin, one of the most exciting cities in the world. For outsiders, it seems that ordinary social norms and rules don’t apply here anymore. The Berlin youth is a unique community that operates in accordance with a complex system extremely hard to decode and understand. You just arrived in Berlin and would like to mingle with the locals?

Well, you are lucky because there is a blog called “When you live in Berlin”. On this extremely amusing and entertaining blog, weird quirks, bizarre mannerisms and occurrences typical of Berlin are revealed. If you want to move here or plan a trip to Berlin, you can even ask the author of the blog what you always wanted to know about Berlin. The author herself didn’t grow up in Berlin. Upon moving here and experiencing a kind of culture shock when getting into the Berlin community, she decided to open this blog.

Well, the blog is entertaining for both parties. Berliners will certainly nod here and there, relating to many of the situations depicted by the author, while outsiders will get to know sides of Berlin most city guides surely don’t even mention.