Many people have yet to realize that we are currently experiencing a major shift towards health and fitness. One recent example for that is the impending sugar tax our beloved British cook Jamie Oliver is trying to get through in Great Britain to promote a healthier lifestyle. If this gets through it will most definitely have a huge impact on the soft drink industry. Whilst Coca Cola and Pepsi will most definitely not be particularly happy, this poses the chance for smaller, more health-conscious companies to make their move to the top.
This just shows how massive this issue is right now and explains why we can see changes and shifts in almost every industry including the fast food branch dominated by McDonald’s and Co.
There was only one time in the history of mankind that experienced a similar fitness craze like this one: the 80s. We can see a great deal of fitness trends that emerged in the 80s now coming back.
Whenever we think about 80s fitness we immediately paint a picture of legwarmers, colorful headbands and tight bodysuits in our heads. Aerobic was the essence of this colorful era.
Apart from fashion incentives, today’s fitness chains have brought back well known and well loved fitness exercises such as step aerobic courses and callisthenic exercises. The latter is particularly popular as we can do no-equipment-required moves everywhere. This is what inspired LesMills to create whole courses such as Body Attack and Body Step that are based on the principles of callisthenic exercises.
Jump on the revival-of-the-80s-fitness-craze-bandwagon and enjoy the ride!