You know that feeling that creeps up on you when you’ve forgotten an important appointment? This wouldn’t have happened if you had just written it down! In today’s world, we’ve got our tablets and mobile phones – they all come included with a built-in calendar, but what happens when Murphy’s Law comes into play and your battery runs down just when you need it the most?

I, for one, am kinda “old-school” when it comes to things like this – I still organise my appointments in a physical calendar. And it’s not just some random calendar from the thrift store, either.

I’m the proud owner of two incredible organisers from Filofax. One is a big A5 organizer in fluorescent pink, and the other is a slightly smaller version in a deeper pink tone. It’s basically what the dreams of girls are made of. The spectacular thing about Filofax is that you can add an incredible amount of things into your organiser. We’re talking colored notepads, maps, ruler, sticker, to-do lists, even a calculator. There’s barely anything Filofax doesn’t offer.

There are even groups of girls on Instagram who dedicate their accounts to Filofax and everything that comes with it. I have to admit that I’ve picked up a thing or two from them – I’d rather walk through a multi-colored life than one that’s only black and white!

Speaking of multiple colors, if you’re not as fond of pink as I am, fear not: Filofax has a huge array of colors at your disposal. You can go for blue, brown, orange, purple or red, or you can even go classic and get the black/cream version. There will definitely be a combination to suit your wishes.

In terms of size, you also have a lot to choose from. A4, A5, personal, compact, pocket and mini – I think you have a difficult time making a decision! I reckon there’s hardly anybody who would turn their nose up at all of these gems. Visit, if only for my sake, because I am absolutely smitten with my pink companion!