Hello fellow beauty lovers.

Four hours and three minutes. That’s how long it took to win over the hearts of a million twitter users. By now she has reached the two million follower mark and that’s only the beginning of Caitlyn Jenners story.

The ex-Olympia star and ex-husband of Kris Jenner, Bruce Jenner, succeeded in leaving the whole globe in awe with her “Call me Caitlyn” story in Vanity Fair. Everything was planned meticulously from the coming-out in April to the first official photos of her as a woman, perfectly shot by VIP photographer Annie Leibovitz in the period of a 2-days-shoot.

Also on board: Pulitzer-award-winning editor Buzz Bissinger, who brought Jenners true story on paper. During the hours between just the two of them, Jenner told Bissinger how she struggled her whole life as Bruce Jenner. She lived her life with an abundance of lies. She described one incident when she came to receive a gold medal as Bruce Jenner but wearing a bra and panty hose under her suit. Now as Caitlyn she’s done with lies and is ready to tell her true story, which will be aired in her own TV documentary. This is conveniently produced by the same team that made the Kardashians big.

Speaking of the K-clan, Caitlyn purposely went without the “K” to withdraw her name from being associated with the infamous clan.

Caitlyn Jenner has opened numerous doors for transgender with her brave way to tell her story or what do you think? Does she paint a realistic picture with her glam photo shoot or is it just scratching on the surface of the real problems transgender have?

Lana Hoang

Image Rights: https://www.facebook.com/CaitlynJenner/photos/a.1450590215240827.1073741827.1450224708610711/1450590218574160/?type=1&theater
Information Source: http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/leute/bruce-jenner-ist-jetzt-caitlyn-jenner-zwischen-wohltat-und-egomanie-a-1036879.html, http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/06/caitlyn-jenner-bruce-cover-annie-leibovitz