With Monsoon’s S/S 15 collection, you are well prepared for the coming summer! Their summer line exudes an incredible holiday flair. Floral and oriental-inspired patterns bring forth a feminine and casual hippy chic. It appears nonetheless adult-like through the feminine and classical cuttings. Vines and flower patterns run like a river through the collection, adorning everything from pants to kimonos.

One of these is a tropical pattern, designed in dark green with pinkish-red touches. In combination with moderate and dark colours, it blends into a harmonic picture that feels very carefree. There are nonetheless also somewhat fancier pieces. A jumpsuit with gloriously colourful and oriental-feeling patterns flies one straight to the doorstep of the East. Through its striking patterns, it walks a fine line between casualness and stylishness.

Overall, this applies just as well for the entire collection. Despite the occasionally very intensive colours and pattern mixes, the collection by Monsoon can be described most suitably as harmonic. It certainly doesn’t screaming for attention, but by no means is it for the Plain Jane. This balance is often lucrative for brands, as it appeals to and inspires larger masses. Who knows, perhaps the 70s-inspired style of the S/S 15 collection could also suit your taste!

Copyright and source: http://de.monsoon.co.uk/http://www.belgradefashionweek.com/english/