Hey Beauties.

It’s an ever-lasting loop. Every time I come home I nearly get frostbites, which then results in me yanking the heat up. This heat, however, sucks out every single ounce of moisture I have in my skin, which explains my constantly dry complexion and lips. And that is why I don’t like the colder months, but I also know that badgering about it won’t bring me far so I thought why not do something about it. I have here a nice DIY recipe for you guys. With only 3 ingredients you can make your very own lip scrub at home.

You will need:

1 ½ tsp. olive oil
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. sugar


Get a small bowl or one of the travel containers you can get at your local drugstore or at Primark which can be used to depot your creams etc. Use those to mix your ingredients in.
The sugar clearly has the peeling function out of these three. It rubs every lose skin particle off your lips, leaving them smooth and perfect.

The honey has antibacterial, clearing and healing effects on your skin/lips. Honey contains a lot of Vitamins such as Vitamin C, E and niacinamide, but also antioxidants. They have a great effect on your skin, lips and hair.

Olive oil builds up a kind of barrier to prevent moisture leaving your body. That’s how you can basically lock the moisture in, leaving your lips hydrated and nursed.
I like to leave the peeling on overnight to give it a chance to really sink it. Then I simply wash it off in the morning and am left with perfect lips to kiss, or rather paint on. 😉


Yours truly,

Copyright: Readthetrieb