Shirt • JOOP! 
Bow Tie |  Hosenträger |  Sports Coat | Hose  •  Herr von Eden

Sometimes you just have to know exactly where to head, even though the options seem endless. Spending the night at home to study? No, definitely not. What about a nice dinner with your friends? No, not exciting enough. Suddenly, the ultimate idea strikes you. You feel like dancing, raving until your feet fall off. This is what your heart is longing for. Having arrived at the club, you take the last puff of your cigarette before you conquer the dance floor, while all eyes are locked on you. This does not surprise you nor does it intimidate you because you want them to look at you. Your outfit demands attention, composed of several prints and patterns. Covered by a cheeky checked pattern, the casual, loose sports coat by the brand Herr von Eden complements the playful, springlike shirt by JOOP. Defined by a colorful play between grey, silver, blue and white, both creations form a strong bond through their patterns, harmonizing beautifully with each other. Herr von Eden indeed knows how to design clothing perfect for a party. In bright blue, the pinstriped pants go hand in hand with the tops in calm shades, providing the outfits with the certain something. The bow characterized by a filigree, yet luscious red checked pattern caps off the unique outfit marked by great contrasts. Yes, this guy knows how to party. He lets his fingers run through his hair once more, rolls up his sleeves, adjusts his bow, before he returns back to the dance floor to dance!




Photographer, Manuel Pandalis
Models, Lukas & Robin [The Special Agency, Hamburg]
Stylist, Fee Romero


Photographer • Suzane Holtgrave
Model • Yosuke Kaneshiro Pearl Management
Stylist • Catharina Gerekos