
_ Source: USK

Surprisingly, the German parliament voted the construction of the worldwide biggest computer and videogames collection. Until 2018, the collection should enclose more than 50,000 games, consoles, computer systems and magazines. For that, it should already put many funds together. For this reason, the federal State will provide, in total, almost 400,000 Euro from 2017 on.

This International Computer games collection is managed by the Computer games museum of Berlin, the Unterhaltssoftware-Selbstkontrolle (USK), the Research Center for Computer Games of the University of Potsdam (DIRAGEREC), and the Central Federal Library of Berlin.


_ Penny Arcade in the 80’s style. Source: Computerspielmuseum

In the press release it is said: “in the first phase, should be created, in 2017, a common digital database. Then, in a second phase, the collection should be brought together in a place, a physical one, for the free and open to the public usability of it. The Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur organized and coordinates the project.”

The decision of the federal parliament is a significant step for the acknowledgement of video games as an important Cultural asset worth of protection, on the same level of literature, paintings and movies.

A stable palace for the collection has not yet been settled, the rapporteurs of the parliament have already proposed the Alte Münze in Berlin.