
  1. You can mostly tell which people (Indians, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, French…) from which countries live in which part of your city, as it seems like there are districts/suburbs for every country.
  2. You’re a busy person, a busy big city person, but nevertheless you always stay relaxed and polite!
  3. When it comes to fashion, you’re more on the posh and fancy or sexy sporty side.
  4. You love how modern, clean and new Sydney looks.
  5. You live in luxury, because commuting to work means taking the ferry and enjoy the view or sitting in the great air-conditioned double-decker train.


  1. You’re into arts and culture and you love that Melbourne has such an artsy-fartsy side.
  2. When it comes to fashion, you’re more on the hipster side. Your style is alternative, cool and reminds of London and Berlin.
  3. You probably are or have a lot of European friends, because it seems like they all live in Melbourne!
  4. You’re a laid-back person. Everything is so relaxed!
  5. You love coffee and you know Melbourne has the best coffee shops.